Hi all, As those of you who follow bugzilla may have noticed, I have started attacking bugs on the 2.0 milestone. It is now clear that not all of these will be fixed before 2.0. We will need to re-distribute the ones that will not be fixed among other milestones, or close them. As rough guidelines, anything that we hope to fix before 2.0 should stay on the 2.0 milestone. We should prioritise these, so that when we want to release, they can be moved to the 2.0.1 milestone (reserved for things that really need fixing, but which aren't going to be fixed for 2.0). Bugs which are important to fix should be addressed early in the unstable release cycle, and should therefore be added to the 2.2 milestone. We will probably add milestones when we start on a 2.1 branch to further carve up these bugs. Anything which is a feature request and doesn't have an identifiable owner should go to Future. I've thought about this, and there is a certain logic. Either the feature has an owner we can hassel to do the feature, or no-one wants to do it. In that case, there's no point adding it to a milestone closer than Future, because it won't be done. When someone claims a feature request and says they'll do it, it can then be added to a more reasonable milestone. Any bug against 1.0.x should be closed WONTFIX. 1.0.x is ancient history. Any bug which has been in NEEDINFO for longer than 6 months should be closed INCOMPLETE. The original author can then re-open it if he considers the bug is still valid and he wants to add more info. Any bug which has not had a comment added for over a year should be bumped to 2.2, and have a comment added asking what the status is. If, in 6 months time, there are still no further comments, the bug can be closed WONTFIX. We are still working towards a 2.0 release before Christmas. Looking at CVS, we are not that far away from it. I feel that the pre-release cycle will throw up some surprises and that we will have trouble getting to 2.0 that early, but that's another matter. There are now under 100 bugs on the 2.0 and 1.3.x milestones. I would like to see that reduced to around 40, and I would also like to see more than 3 or 4 people closing bugs. To get a 2.0 release soon will be a huge job, and Sven and mitch cannot carry on doing all the bug fixing. If you have any free time at all, please pick a bug and help out. Cheers, Dave. -- David Neary, Lyon, France E-Mail: bolsh@xxxxxxxx