I'm trying to write the attached Gimp::Pixel plug-in for Gimp. But it
keeps segfaulting, despite being written in Perl.
Can anybody tell me what I'm doing wrong?
Shlomi Fish
Shlomi Fish shlomif@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Home Page: http://t2.technion.ac.il/~shlomif/
An apple a day will keep a doctor away. Two apples a day will keep two
doctors away.
Falk Fish
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use Gimp;
use Gimp::Fu;
use PDL;
use PDL::Core;
use Carp;
sub sub2ind ($$;@) {
my $dims = shift;
$dims = [$dims->dims] if UNIVERSAL::isa($dims,'PDL');
croak "need dims array ref" unless ref $dims eq 'ARRAY';
my @args = @_;
croak "number of dims must not be less than number of arguments"
unless @args <= @$dims;
my $coord = $args[0]->copy;
for my $n (1..$#$dims)
$coord += $dims->[$n-1]*$args[$n];
return $coord;
sub pepper_noise
my $image = shift;
my $drawable = shift;
my $num_pixels = shift;
my $gdrawable = $drawable->get();
my $height = $drawable->height();
my $width = $drawable->width();
my @bounds = $drawable->bounds();
my $src = new PixelRgn ($drawable,@bounds,0,0);
my $dst = new PixelRgn ($drawable,@bounds,1,1);
print "1\n";
my $piddle = $src->data();
print "2\n";
my $noise_x = floor(random(1,$num_pixels) * $width);
my $noise_y = floor(random(1,$num_pixels) * $height);
print join(",", dims($piddle)), "\n";
my $noise_indexes = sub2ind($piddle, zeroes(1,$num_pixels), $noise_x, $noise_y);
if (0)
for(my $i=0;$i<$num_pixels;$i++)
if ($piddle->at(0, $noise_x->at(0, $i), $noise_y->at(0, $i)) == 0)
print "Not zero!";
print "3\n";
$piddle->flat->index($noise_indexes) .= zeroes(1, $num_pixels);
print "3.5\n";
if (0)
for(my $i=0;$i<$num_pixels;$i++)
if ($piddle->at(0, $noise_x->at(0, $i), $noise_y->at(0, $i)) == 0)
print "Not good!";
print "4\n";
return $image;
"put pepper noise in an image",
"Place pepper noise in an Image",
"Shlomi Fish",
"Shlomi Fish <shlomif\@vipe.technion.ac.il>",
N_"<Image>/Filters/Noise/Pepper Noise",
[PF_INT32(), "pixels_num", "Number of Pixels",80]
exit main;