I wrote a small but useful script that will scale an image to best fit within a constrained size without affecting aspect ratio. It's a simple script, but I've found it quite useful as a component for other scripts, and thought it might be useful in GIMP at large. It's scheme right now, but I could code it in C if you would like: http://www.eskimo.com/~johnnyb/computers/multimedia/ Also on that page is a templated images script, which is really, REALLY basic at the moment, but basically allows you to easily create image-based templates (think Print Shop). Anyway, eventually I'm going to make this into something which has the ability to intelligently search for pictures to plug in, a better UI, and a UI for creating templates. However, if someone else was interested it might go a bit faster :) I thought this would be useful enough that some of the developer community might want to be involved, so I posted here. Anyway, let me know. Jon