Welcome back. On 30 Jul 2003, Jay Cox wrote: > RECOMMENDATION: gimp should copy (or ln -s?) the system brushes into > the users folder when it is launched for the first time. Single > user systems will never miss the meg or two this takes. On > multiuser systems the admins can prune the system brush library. You have a point, I dont much like the proposed solution though. > The round brushes shipped with gimp should be editable. > > RECOMMENDATION: recreate the round brushes as .vbr brushes. New file formats to be discussed at Gimp Con [1], but recreating the Round brushes as standard brushes sounds good. While we are on brushes I am wondering what kind of information needs to be stored in a Brush file and why does it need a special file type of its own? > RECOMMENDATION: Move aforementioned script-fu to the bottom the > the main select menu. Do the same with to-pattern > and to-image items? (Should probably rewrite the > script-fus as native functions) (should the main > select menu be renamed to selection???) Please dont. The Select Menu is for making a selection, not manipulating the contents of a selection. Once you have made a selection then the contents of a selection is an Object/Image/Layer and then actions get applied to it, the current image. > It requires two key presses (shift and =/+) to zoom-in which is one > of the most common operations that gets used. (this is on US > keyboards) > > RECOMMENDATION: accept '=' and '+' to zoom in. http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=94910 Both + and = should work, with + being the default label. Anything else is just a nightmare for international users. I would prefer if GIMP used Ctrl++ Zoom In and Ctrl+- as the default labelled keybindings in the menus, as well as the above keybindings. > Additionally setup > mouse > button shortcuts for zooming in and out. Perhaps > ctrl-middle for zoom in, and ctrl-shift-middle for > zoom out. This will keep peoples left hand on left > side of the keyboard and their right hand on the mouse > which is exactly where they belong. (is it a pita to > have multiple keyboard shortcuts for the same item?) I dont know about old Unix three button mice, I expect more users have Wheel Mice instead so I really hope any changes you make wont adversly affect them (and me). Zooming with a Wheel Mouse should definately Ctrl+Wheel (up & down == Zoom in & out) users already expect this from other applications. Wheel should scroll the page up and down, and Shift+Wheel should Scroll sideways. I know Paint Shop Pro uses the Middle Click of a Wheel Mouse to Zoom In but I never considered trying to use it with a Shift/Ctrl modifier. > Thats enough for now. I'll add the important stuff in here to > bugzilla tomorrow. > PS: I was skeptical at first, but I am happy with a 2.0 designation > for the next release of gimp. Sincerely Alan Horkan http://advogato.org/person/AlanHorkan/ [1] Snowballs chance in hell I'll be able to afford to go to GIMP Con, I only hope that people will take some notes and put up a short summary of some of what gets discussed.