Hi, I finally moved the new site that was created some months ago to developer.gimp.org. Please have a look and comment on it. This is by no means final but I hope that it will allow to spread info about GIMP development more easily. The web-site is build using docbook website. This may seem difficult but it makes it very easy to contribute content. If anyone is interested, you can directly access the XML source of a particular page by replacing the .html extension with .xml. The whole source with stylesheets can be downloaded as well: http://developer.gimp.org/dgo.tgz I would appreciate help with content as well as with integration of the API reference and other docbook sources (Simon wrote a nice article about plug-in development that would fit nicely). I haven't yet managed to integrate sources that don't use the docbook website DTD but other variants of docbook (article, book) but I am sure it can be done. Sven