Hi all, I am now moving from script-fu/perl-fu scripting and entering the world of C plugin writing for GIMP. Only reason I am doing this is because I need to get information about pixels on the drawable(quite a significant number of pixels) I have read the good tutorial "Essentials Of a Plug-in" by Kevin Turner, and I have a few things that I just want to ask about plug-in writing in general. a) Where do I find plug-ins with the C code instead of the executable ones in the plugin directory? I like learning by reading other source codes and could anyone tell me which one is well commented so that I get what's going on? b) I have read the online documentation on libgimp http://gimp-plug-ins.sourceforge.net/doc/libgimp/html/ Unfortunately, I find it hard to use because not everything in there is documented, as in I have no idea what some of the functions do(although most function names are pretty well defined) and I have no idea what sort of parameters it wants me to pass in. Can anyone tell me if there is a source of help that will explain the functions in detail? c) Basically, I just want to get information in a pixel? Thing is, if i use this function: void gimp_pixel_rgn_get_pixel (GimpPixelRgn *pr, guchar *buf, gint x, gint y); Only thing I don't understand is what is the datatype guchar, and how much memory do we allocate to the buf pointer? And in this buf pointer, what information is actually being returned? Basically, I just need to know what color the pixel is. Will that information be returned? There you go..newbie with tons of questions. I hope you understood what I was trying to ask because I have 0 experience in writing gimp plugins. Thanks all in advance! Kenny