I've just started hacking in the Gimp via scheme and clearly don't understand (gimp-image-add-layer).
What I've read suggests that the following ought to get me a new layer in an image.
=> (set! the-image-id (car (gimp-image-new 10 10 GRAY_IMAGE))) 0 => (set! the-layer-id (car (gimp-layer-new the-image-id 10 10 GRAY_IMAGE "a named layer" 100 NORMAL))) 2 => (gimp-image-add-layer the-image-id the-layer-id -1) ERROR: Procedural database execution failed: (gimp_image_add_layer 0 2 -1)A "procedural database execution failure" suggests that something quite fundamental is going on. (It's not just me getting types or syntax confused.)
Can anyone help? Can anyone tell me how I might investigate this intelligently?
,Doug Douglas Lewan
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