On 2003-04-16 at 2044.42 +0200, Simon Budig typed this: > [Cc'ing to Bernhard Herzog, Sketch Maintainer] > > Carol Spears (cspears@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx) wrote: > > one thing i have often wondered is why sketch is not just imported into > > the gimp libraries. it already uses vectors and paths. why bother with > > building these things at home? especially if they are already written > > and working elsewhere? > > One of the main reasons already has been mentioned. Sketch is mainly > implemented in Python and it is nontrivial to embed this into a > C-application. When doing this we would introduce a hard dependency on > python which is a point that is very unfortunate. > > I use sketch for a lot of stuff and like it a lot. I did discuss the > opportunities for joining the efforts quite some time ago with Bernhard > Herzog (was it Linuxtag 2000?) but IIRC we came to the conclusion that > the different architectures are not easy to overcome. > i like sketch. i actually exchanged email with the author, very early in my internet life. i told him it would snow where he lived and it did. he said he would send me ginger cookies for that. i had read the information off a hotel web page, so i think that receiving cookies for such a thing was uncalled for. but it was interesting email, none the less. > Another thing that I have not yet figured out is: Where does the Scope > of GIMP stop, where should it leave room for other programs? Clearly > there are areas where Gimp could learn from a vector based program and > vice versa. But should Gimp try to become "the" tool for vector based > stuff? I don't know and it depends on my mood if I am opposed or in > favour of this option. But looking at the current state of the Gimp I > doubt that there are the resources available to head for e.g. full SVG > compliance. > see, this is where i screwed up. i think it is silly to import a whole bunch of new software when everything you need is right at home. at least consider some of the existing options before you import a whole new way of doing things. there is a lot available right here in the gimp dot org stuff. it deserves at least a look at. there are so many things i don't understand. this attempt is just another example of a dialog i didn't mean to start. > Currently my main focus in Gimp development is: Replace the path tool > with a not sucking version and keep the implementation open for further > improvements. In the post 1.4 era it might be interesting to head for > vector-layers, but this needs time. Beyond this I don't have any plans. > i love what i saw you working on. i am sorry to distract you from this very good work with silly questions and persoanl issues. carol