This script isn't able to save correctly the logo in png format, i've tried othe formats but seesm there are bug in gimp. I'm using GIMP version 1.2.3, Mandrake Linux 9.0. thanks, valter ------------------------------------------------------ #!/usr/local/bin/perl use Gimp ":auto"; use Gimp::Fu; use strict; sub net { } Gimp::init; Gimp::on_net(\&net); Gimp::set_trace (TRACE_ALL); my $i=0; system ("rm -f image_1.png"); script_fu_alien_glow_logo("hello hello $i", "150", "-*-utopia-bold-r-*-*-150-*-*-*-*-*-*-*", [255,0,0] ); my $img = &gimp_image_list(); my $fname = "image_1.png"; my $activelayer= &gimp_image_flatten($img); file_png_save(RUN_NONINTERACTIVE, $img, $activelayer, $fname, $fname, 0, 9, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); # Handle over control to gimp exit main(); -- Valter