ImageMagick has several interesting algorithms (NoiseReduction, Despeckle (that one doesn't work well in the GIMP by the way), ...) that I would like to use through the GIMP. Does there exist a C-C++ interface that facilitates a GIMP plug-in programmer to use ImageMagick routines? Or maybe another kind of interface using Script-fu / Magick Scripting Language ?
There isn't one currently, but it would certainly be possible to write a GIMP plugin that uses ImageMagick to do the work on the image data.
Currently, when I'm in the GIMP and want to modify an image with IM, I do it the hard way: save it, launch IM on it and then reload it in the GIMP.
That certainly works...
Leonard Maintainer, ImageMagick -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Leonard Rosenthol <mailto:leonardr@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> <>