Home Rates Alert: 8%
Soon There
is a solution The Age reports: ?Interest rates are likely to rise by between one and two percentage points over coming months?. For the full text of this article see: www.theage.com.au There is a solution to protect your cash outgoings during interest rate increases. This article looks at the pro?s and con?s of fixing your interest rate NOW. You can LOCK in your interest rate and thus preserve your cash flow during this predicted interest rise period. With a fixed rate linked to your loan and repayments for a set period you are not impacted by shifts in upward interest rates.
This and related articles are provided as a service and should you wish to be removed from this informational database refer to the instructions below Advantages
When rates are going up in the market your
rate remains at the fixed.
You know how much your repayments will be
for the period of the loan. Disadvantages
During periods of decreasing interest
rates your interest rate will not drop.
There can be penalties for changing from a
fixed rate loan to a variable, or for changing lenders, before the fixed term
ends. The SOLUTION to this dilemma is only a mouse click away ? simply email us at mortinfo@xxxxxxxxxxxxx with a phone contact number and our fully qualified adviser will provide obligation free information to you. We provide products from over 40 institutions with professional consultant Australia Wide - one phone call will provide the information you need. Locking in a FIXED rate of interest may only be one of several solutions. Naturally, should you wish to act on this information we would like to talk with you further, again without cost or obligation, your choice. Additional newsletters will address issues such as:
E where are interest rates going?,
E what about those ?honeymoon? interest
rates ? good or bad, E investments in general,
E off-the-plan
investments?good and bad news, E types of mortgage
loans, E how to make money using your equity,
E preserving value in your prime
investment: your home, E pro?s and con?s
of debt consolidation, E advise issues such as ?Hanging onto your home during financial stress? etc. Brought to you by:
Top Hat (Aust) Pty Ltd mortgage ? financial services ?
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