Hi: There seem to be some more than four missing, so with some weird grepping I think I managed to get all the images pointed in libgimpwidgets/gimpstock.h. Here is the revised patch: ---8<--- Index: themes/Default/imagerc =================================================================== RCS file: /cvs/gnome/gimp/themes/Default/imagerc,v retrieving revision 1.2 diff -u -p -r1.2 imagerc --- themes/Default/imagerc 2002/01/13 20:59:56 1.2 +++ themes/Default/imagerc 2002/03/06 21:14:05 @@ -88,6 +88,77 @@ style "gimp-icons" { "images/stock-button-visible.png", *, *, * } } + # Selection tool options window + # + stock["gimp-selection-replace"] = + { + { "images/stock-button-selection-replace.png", *, *, "gtk-button" }, + { "images/stock-button-selection-replace.png", *, *, * } + } + stock["gimp-selection-add"] = + { + { "images/stock-button-selection-add.png", *, *, "gtk-button" }, + { "images/stock-button-selection-add.png", *, *, * } + } + stock["gimp-selection-subtract"] = + { + { "images/stock-button-selection-substract.png", *, *, "gtk-button" }, + { "images/stock-button-selection-substract.png", *, *, * } + } + stock["gimp-selection-intersect"] = + { + { "images/stock-button-selection-intersect.png", *, *, "gtk-button" }, + { "images/stock-button-selection-intersect.png", *, *, * } + } + + # Image window icons + # + stock["gimp-navigation"] = + { + { "images/stock-menu-navigation.png", *, *, "gtk-menu" }, + { "images/stock-menu-navigation.png", *, *, * } + } + stock["gimp-qmask-off"] = + { + { "images/stock-menu-qmask-off.png", *, *, "gtk-menu" }, + { "images/stock-menu-qmask-off.png", *, *, * } + } + stock["gimp-qmask-on"] = + { + { "images/stock-menu-qmask-on.png", *, *, "gtk-menu" }, + { "images/stock-menu-qmask-on.png", *, *, * } + } + + # X & Y linked or not + # + stock["gimp-hchain"] = + { + { "images/stock-button-hchain.png", *, *, "gtk-button" }, + { "images/stock-button-hchain.png", *, *, * } + } + stock["gimp-hchain-broken"] = + { + { "images/stock-button-hchain-broken.png", *, *, "gtk-button" }, + { "images/stock-button-hchain-broken.png", *, *, * } + } + stock["gimp-vchain"] = + { + { "images/stock-button-vchain.png", *, *, "gtk-button" }, + { "images/stock-button-vchain.png", *, *, * } + } + stock["gimp-vchain-broken"] = + { + { "images/stock-button-vchain-broken.png", *, *, "gtk-button" }, + { "images/stock-button-vchain-broken.png", *, *, * } + } + + # Wilber *_`@@' + # + stock["gimp-wilber-eek"] = + { + { "images/stock-wilber-eek.png", *, *, * } + } + # Tool icons # stock["gimp-tool-airbrush"] = --->8--- I wrote the size based in the name, and left the eek one as all sizes. GSR