[Gimp-developer] Gimp-Print 4.2.1-pre1 Release

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Gimp-Print 4.2.1-pre1 is a prerelease of Gimp-Print 4.2.1.  It
principally contains bug fixes, but there is a new IJS-based
Ghostscript driver for use with the latest Ghostscript releases (GNU
6.53 and AFPL 7.04).  The IJS driver is much easier to build, and we
recommend that all Ghostscript users upgrade and try the new driver.
This driver is in beta; please test it and report bugs so that it's
solid for 4.2.1.

Gimp-Print 4.2.1-pre1 contains the following major changes and fixes over
Gimp-Print 4.2.0:

  1) The escputil command is now translated properly.

  2) The Ghostscript documentation lists resolutions for Canon
     printers correctly.

  3) Miscellaneous problems printing to various late model Epson
     Stylus Photo printers have been fixed.

  4) It is now possible to print at all resolutions on large format
     PCL printers.

  5) A new IJS-based Ghostscript driver is provided, for Ghostscript
     6.53 and above, and 7.04 and above.  This driver may be used with
     both GNU and AFPL Ghostscript.

  6) New Slovak and Greek translations are provided.

  7) Stylus Pro printers can now print to letter size (and smaller)
     paper.  In 4.2.0 the driver did not allow printing smaller than
     tabloid size.

  8) A bug in the Ghostscript driver caused slightly poor print
     quality at high resolutions on Epson printers.  The same bug may
     have had other side effects on other printers.

  9) The margins and printable areas have been adjusted on some Epson

  10) Miscellaneous fixes for the Lexmark Z42.

The following bugs are fixed in 4.2.1-pre1:

485156 Debian build broken in 4.2.0
488865 escputil isn't translated
493772 360dpi is not a valid resolution
496813 Z42 issues
499200 ESP 1280/1290 need special deinit code
499203 ESP 780/820 have different paper codes
499299 z42 border
502713 Restricted resolution on DesignJet
507767 Parameters not set in CUPS driver
507770 Unset parameters in Ghostscript driver
507773 Old-style GS build broken
516268 Erroneous comparison
518224 makeinfo fails during build

Robert Krawitz <rlk@xxxxxxxxxxxx>      http://www.tiac.net/users/rlk/

Tall Clubs International  --  http://www.tall.org/ or 1-888-IM-TALL-2
Member of the League for Programming Freedom -- mail lpf@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Project lead for Gimp Print/stp --  http://gimp-print.sourceforge.net

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