Hi: This is the doc I have now. Any comments? Suggestions? Fixes? Global ideas for this: - Use common keys first (letters, numbers, Shift, Control) - Use Alt but not alone, to allow _Foo with Alt+F, and not the first thing to use - Try to make rules, by mnemonics (C-q) or by pure tradition (C-z) - Use Shift for related (negative, special) cases if possible, and only for unrelated if not usage found - Remove rarely used keys to avoid getting crowded but as this is a pro tool, it is not the first thing I am going to do (those who are cut happy should check the number of combos in other pro tools and how many times they are used once the user is working and not playing) - Leave Fkeys for user (have fun with yellow notes ;] ) Global functions and keys: Hide and unhide extras Tab Show image menu Space [New, cool for tablets or in general] [ to allow menu invocation from ] [ keyboard, anytime ] Menus: <Toolbox>> [Suggestion: make it a single root item like image menu?] [ That would be a bit rare, but would make all fit fine ] [ Could be named "Menu [>]" and give hint for "[>]" ] [ Yes, I am mad and I will get flamed by GUI purists but] [ think about the space we get, and the standarization, ] [ all menus would be vertical and "[>]" is taught ] File> New... Ctrl+N Open... Ctrl+O Open Recent> 1. filename [No keybindings, they change a lot, also see zooms] 2. filename ... n. filename --- Aquire> Screen Shot... Scan... --- Preferences --- Dialogs> Layer....... --- Quit Ctrl+Q Xtns> Module Browser... DB Browser... Plug-in Details... Unit Editor... Script-Fu> Web Browser> Tools> Default Colors D Swap Colors X --- Color Picker O Magnify Shift+M Measure Paint> Bucket Fill Shift+B Blend L Pencil Shift+P Paintbrush P Eraser Shift+E Airbrush A Clone C Convolve V Ink K Dodge or Burn Shift+D Smudge Shift+S Selection> Rectangle R Ellipse E Free F Fuzzy Z Bezier B Intelligent Scissors I Text T Transform> Move M Crop and Resize Shift+C Transform Shift+T Flip Shift+F Dialogs> Layer, Channels and Paths Shift+Alt+L Tool Options... --- Brushes... Shift+Alt+B Patterns... Shift+Alt+P Gradients... Shift+Alt+G Palettes... Shift+Alt+P --- Input Devices... Device Status... --- Document Index... Error Console... Undo History... Help> Help... F1 Context Help... Shift+F1 Tip of the Day... About... <Image>> [Suggestion: tooltip "Image menu" when over "[>]"] File> New... Ctrl+N Open... Ctrl+O Revert... --- Save Ctrl+S Save As... Shift+Ctrl+S Save Copy As... --- Print... Ctrl+P Mail Image... --- Close Ctrl+W Quit Ctrl+Q View> Zoom In + [Yes, changed, a bit more logical, no?] Zoom Out - Zoom Presets> [One linear vs one with mod. Still dunno which one ] [ One is more compact and provides some hints based ] [ in powers of 2 ] [ The second is more linear, not so easy to remember] [ or center hand, but linear ] [ I vote for first, you always have key 1 located ] [ 5 would be a more complex, IMHO ] [ Some people want to numbers for brushes, so lets ] [ talk about it, I think brushes need more things ] 16:1 5 1 8:1 4 2 4:1 3 3 2:1 2 4 1:1 1 5 1:2 Ctrl+2 6 1:4 Ctrl+3 7 1:8 Ctrl+4 8 1:16 Ctrl+5 9 T Dot for Dot --- Info Window Shift+Alt+I Nav Window Shift+Alt+N --- T Toggle Layer Borders Ctrl+Y T Toggle Selection Ctrl+T T Toggle Guides Shift+Ctrl+T --- T Toggle Rulers Shift+Alt+R T Toggle Statusbar Shift+Alt+S --- Shrink Wrap Ctrl+E New View Shift+Alt+E Edit> Undo Ctrl+Z Redo Ctrl+Shift+Z --- Cut Ctrl+X Copy Ctrl+C Paste Ctrl+V Paste Into Paste as New --- Cut with Name Shift+Ctrl+X Copy with Name Shift+Ctrl+C Paste with Name Shift+Ctrl+V --- Clear Ctrl+K Fill with FG Color Ctrl+, Fill witg BG Color Ctrl+. --- Repeat & Duplicate [What does?] Copy Visible [Where did I get this thing?] --- Image> Mode> RGB Shift+Alt+R Grayscale Shift+Alt+G Indexed Shift+Alt+I --- Compose Decompose Transform> Rotate 90 degrees Rotate 180 degrees Rotate 270 degrees --- Autocrop Guillotine --- Canvas Size... Scale Image... Duplicate --- Flatten Image Layers> New... Shift+Ctrl+N Edit Attributes... Duplicate Shift+Ctrl+D Delete Shift+Ctrl+E Stack> Previous Layer U [Up up up, and is above J, so "translates"] Next Layer J [Looks like a down arrow... my vi trick] Raise Layer Ctrl+U Lower Layer Ctrl+J Layer to Top Shift+Ctrl+U Layer to Bottom Shift+Ctrl+J --- Layer Bounday Size... Scale Layer... Layer to Imagesize Transform> Rotate 90 degrees Rotate 180 degrees Rotate 270 degrees --- Offset... Shift+Ctrl+O Zealous Crop --- Merge Ctrl+M Merge Down Shift+Ctrl+M --- Add Mask Apply Mask Discard Mask [Old name was Delete] Mask to Selection --- Add Alpha Channel Alpha to Mask [NEW, and useful, no more Alpha^2] Alpha to Selection --- Align Visible Layers... Center Layer Selection> Invert Ctrl+I All Ctrl+A None Shift+Ctrl+A By Color... --- Feather... Shift+Ctrl+F Sharpen... Shift+Ctrl+H Shrink... Grow... Border... Round... --- Stroke Float Shift+Ctrl+L Save to Channel Convert to Path --- Filters> Show Last Filter Ctrl+F Repeat Last Ctrl+R --- [Lots of things here] Guides> [Alone? This looks weird] T Snap to Guides GSR