On Wed, Feb 06, 2002 at 03:06:50PM +0000, I wrote: > A potential UI for a textual metadata editor using Dublin Core's element > names (and of course internally it could use any parasite names that > were deemed fit, but since parasite names are arbitrary text strings it > might as well be DC.Creator, DC.Title etc.) http://www.ecs.soton.ac.uk/~njl98r/code/dublin.c (not a permanent link) This is a sort of sketch of a metadata plug-in for the GIMP. I am still actively working on it for a day or two yet, but this is a snapshot so that others can rip it apart while I sleep. It was built for GIMP 1.2 * gimptool --install dublin.c * Create an image, bring up File/Metadata... * Observe gimp-comment shown as well as several blank metadata fields * Change some/none/all values (optionally hit Close) * Save image as XCF * Load XCF image w/ metadata * Look in File/Metadata to confirm that it survives save/ re-load Problems? Suggestions? Should something like this go into 1.2.4 ? 1.3.x ? Nick.