Hi! On Wed, 23 May 2001 17:13:54 +0200 Christoph Rauch <christoph.rauch@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: > I have updated my lists at http://home.bn-paf.de/smokey/gimp_org/ > It would be great if we could get all that uncertainty out of them. > :-)) > We must know what we want to have as the result and how to get there. One point I have to criticise: "...* No so important ones: 1. Netscape 2. IE..." The web-site should look perfect in every browser, also there are many Windows users and people who use Windows at the office / internet café :-) etc. Any discussions about which browsers must be supported more / less are no good IMHO. Anyway, here are my votes on different topics (see also my mockup): layout: 1. layout - appearance - clean and cool, the current color map is not that bad, consequent "theme" 2. in-detail design - a set of icons is required to mark special news, sections... see above 3. a logo is nice, should contain Wilber 4. navigation structure should be changed (see my mockup) content: 1. all news in the Gimp / general image processing world (new algorithms, contests...) 2. tutorials, articles, interviews (ok, this is a little portal-style but why searching the net for hours to find stuff you need!?) 3. (maybe) integrate registry.gimp.org and add screenshots / examples as far as posible 4. dynamic list of mirrors, RPM / DEB locations 5. links to external resources (e.g. linuxgraphic.org, gtk.org, linuxartist.org <- is it alive, btw?) 6. mailinglist archives 7. cvs usage / getting involved / compilation / requirements / Windows LZW quirks cms: 1. dynamic - php/*sql - easy to code, offers many possibilities, we use it at the GUG and it's excellent for those purposes IMHO editing: 1. people should get an editor's account to add news, articles etc. via web-interface (perhaps slashdot-like commenting, get ready for "AC", "fp" and "g....e.cx" ;-)) Just my 0.02 Euro. -- --=[ t0mcat@xxxxxx ]=-- --=[ http://www.technoid.f2s.com ]=--