A few minutes ago, I wrote: > The address of the mailing list has changed, and it is likely that > some archive sites have not updated their filters and have rejected > the mails when they started coming from a different address. The gimp > mailing lists are now running from lists.xcf.berkeley.edu. Well, it is even simpler than that... The mail archives hosted by www.mail-archive.com are using the address of the mailing list as a key in the URL. Since the address has changed from scam.xcf to lists.xcf, the URL to the list archive has changed accordingly: http://www.mail-archive.com/gimp-developer%40lists.xcf.berkeley.edu/ So the link to mail-archive.com on http://www.gimp.org/mailing_list.html does not have to be removed, but it should be updated. Same for the gimp-user archives, which have now moved to: http://www.mail-archive.com/gimp-user%40lists.xcf.berkeley.edu/ -Raphael