The installed version of a plug-in can contain other files than just the executable, e.g. help files and locale files. When the user has root permissions these files can be installed on the standard locations for the system, but where should these files be installed when that is not the case? The most logical place appears to be ~/.gimp-x.x/myplugin/. An alternative is to group help-files and locale info for all locally installed plug-ins together in ~/.gimp-x.x/help and ~/.gimp-x.x/locale. A related problem is how to find the local installation directory for the user, in ancient times this used to be ~/.gimp but this was changed (in 1.1?) to ~/.gimp-x.x. Gimptool does not return this directory even though it uses it for --install. So I would like to propose that a --gimpdir option be added to gimptool (It is a bit difficult a the moment because gimptool just mysteriously vanished from CVS). Greetings, Ernst