Hi, I am currently writing on a GIMP plug-in to extract frames and audio from MPEG videos. The plugin's GUI is made with GLADE, and the libmpeg3 (1.2.2) is used as MPEG-decoder. while testing i had some Problems with passing FLOAT parameters between my plugin and the GIMP. - The opacity Parameter is passed from my plugin to the gimp_layer_new Procedure with Value 100.0 .. but is recieved in the GIMP main Application with Value 1.0 - The Problem is related to NLS (the LANG Environment Variable) (when I do unset LANG, everything is OK) - My PlugIn has a GUI that was created by GLADE. the main Routine, generated by GLADE starts with: gtk_set_locale (); gtk_init (&argc, &argv); Without gtk_set_locale(), passing of FLOAT Parameters works just fine, even if LANG=german set. Well this is a solution for my plugin, but ... I guess that NLS specific print representation of float numbers can cause those troubles in the PDB Interface. US Decimalpoint 100.0 German Decimalkomma 100,0 Maybe this hint could be useful for other (PlugIn)Developers too. Should I report this as Bug of the GIMP PDB-Interface ? Yours Wolfgang Hofer, <hof@xxxxxxxx> (Author of GAP) ---------------------- PS: Here are some additional notes about my system: I am using using GIMP 1.2.1 -bash gimpixII:[gui_tst] >gtk-config --version 1.2.8 -bash gimpixII:[gui_tst] >uname -a Linux gimpixII 2.2.16 #1 Mon Jan 1 20:47:09 CET 2001 i686 unknown I added some printf statements to my_plugin and to my local copy of: gimp-1.2.1/libgimp/gimp.c gimp-1.2.1/libgimp/gimplayer.c gimp-1.2.1/libgimp/gimplayer_pdb.c gimp-1.2.1/app/layer.c gimp-1.2.1/app/layer_cmds.c gimp-1.2.1/app/plug_in.c to TRACE relevant procedures and parameter values related to this problem, And here is the result: ------ -bash gimpixII:[gui_tst] >env | grep LANG LANG=german -bash gimpixII:[gui_tst] >gimp MY_PLUGIN: before call to gimp_layer_new LIBGIMP: gimp_layer_new: opacity = 100,000000 LIBGIMP: _gimp_layer_new: image_ID = 12 LIBGIMP: _gimp_layer_new: width = 320 LIBGIMP: _gimp_layer_new: height = 240 LIBGIMP: _gimp_layer_new: type = 0 LIBGIMP: _gimp_layer_new: name = my_layer LIBGIMP: _gimp_layer_new: opacity = 100,000000 LIBGIMP: _gimp_layer_new: mode = 0 LIBGIMP: gimp_run_procedure GIMP_PDB_FLOAT: arg[5] par: 100,000000 APP: plug_in_params_to_args arg[5] par: 1.000000 arg:1.000000 APP: layer_new_invoker: opacity_arg = 1.000000 APP: layer_new_invoker: opacity = 2 APP: layer_new: int opacitiy = 2 MY_PLUGIN: after call to gimp_layer_new MY_PLUGIN: gimp_layer_get_opacity 1: 7,000000 ------ Get your small business started at Lycos Small Business at http://www.lycos.com/business/mail.html