This was forwarded to me from gimp-devel on Feb 7: > Since the GIMP/GNOME bug database has moved to, the > administrative options have changed. On the old, it > was possible for me to change the status of some bugs easily, but now > I cannot change the status, affected OS, priority and other features > of the bugs. > > I have been through the list of GIMP bugs and I know that some of them > could be changed from UNCONFIRMED to NEW or NEEDSINFO. I also spotted > several of them that could be set to "All OSes" instead of "Linux". > Or some suggestions for enhancements (including some that I originally > reported) that could be set to "Low" priority. I would like to help > and keep the bug database up-to-date, but unfortunately Bugzilla does > not let me change these options. > > Since the Bugzilla home page does not mention any contact address, I > am sending this slightly off-topic request to this list. If anyone > know who to ask, please tell me. Thanks. Hi guys, now you get the official answer from me, the current maintainer :-) Doing such changes is by default only allowed for the submitter of a bug report and the person to which it is assigned. To to other changes, you must have special privileges in Bugzilla. For obvious reasons we don't want to automatically grant these privileges to newly created accounts. This is just to get a little protection against script-kiddies closing all open bug reports or doing stuff like this. I was told that automatically granting this privilege to all * email addresses is a bad idea either, so if you need this privilege "caneditbugs", I need to do it manually. All you need to do is to send me a short mail to baulig@xxxxxxx (I'll be away Fri-Sat this week and Mon-Tue next week) and I'll do it asap. I'll add a contact address (bugmaster@xxxxxxxxx) to Bugzilla as well. -- Martin Baulig martin@xxxxxxxxx (private) baulig@xxxxxxx (work)