On 10 January, 2001 - Raphael Quinet sent me these 2.1K bytes: > Unfortunately, none of the three addresses mentioned for anoncvs > allowed me to get any files. One of them failed because of a server > configuration problem, another one could be reached but did not > respond, and the last one was apparently offline because it could not > be reached at all (no ping). I admin anoncvs3.gnome.org ( and it shouldn't have had any problems, it's been _very_ stable for the last few years. > I hope that the situation is better for the non-anonymous CVS server. > I would be glad if anyone could give me the IP address of an anonymous > GNOME CVS mirror that works reasonably well for European users. anoncvs3.gnome.org is in Sweden connected to the Swedish University Network. /Tomas -- Tomas Ögren, stric@xxxxxxxxxx, http://www.ing.umu.se/~stric/ |- Student at Computing Science, University of Umeå `- Sysadmin at {cs,ing,acc}.umu.se