Greetings, all! I now have source RPM files. I will be uploading the patches, source and binary RPMs to later today. These files will become available for downloading once they have gone through whatever process contributed files go through. The RPMs I have are for both gimp-1.2.0 and gimp-data-extras. The binary RPM files were compiled on a machine running RedHat 6.2. If anyone is desparate to have RPMs and can't wait for the files to be available via, let me know and I will arrange to make them available on a website. I won't send the spec and patch files through the mailing list to save peoples already overflowing mailboxes. You may now jump up and down, and cheer (or not). :-) Cheers! Kevin. ( Internet:kcozens at |"What are we going to do today, Borg?" or:ve3syb at |"Same thing we always do, Pinkutus:| Try to assimilate the world!" #include <disclaimer/favourite> | -Pinkutus & the Borg