Austin Donnelly wrote:
> Oh, go on - you know you want to!
:) Alright, I will...
The fix I put in (under certain unusual circumstances) has the potential
for bad behaviour - you'll get a memset(mask, 0, 0). I'm not sure what
that'd do.
To eliminate any risk of it (I should have done this the first time),
the following fix is a bit better... Sorry for the mess!
> Austin
Dave Neary,
Software engineer, Informix Dublin.
Phone: +353-1-409-1357
Index: ifscompose.c
RCS file: /cvs/gnome/gimp/plug-ins/ifscompose/ifscompose.c,v
retrieving revision 1.36
diff -u -r1.36 ifscompose.c
--- ifscompose.c 2000/11/27 10:35:23 1.36
+++ ifscompose.c 2000/12/18 18:14:53
@@ -1354,7 +1354,11 @@
num_bands = ceil((gdouble)(width*height*SQR(ifsvals.subdivide)*5)
/ (1024 * ifsvals.max_memory));
- band_height = height / num_bands;
+ band_height = (height + num_bands - 1)/ num_bands) ;
+ /* For bug #9156 - adding 1 guarantees that
+ * band_height*num_bands >= height > (band_height-1)*num_bands
+ * band_height automatically got rounded down, resulting in a diff
+ * of a few pixels when num_bands didn't divide evenly */
if (band_height > height)
band_height = height;