I think it would be a good idea to add a grid function like some other programs have. It is hard to work with a guide grid at 10 pixels or something toggled visibly on and I don't think it snaps quite the same as a grid. So what about a grid that could be toggled on and off at a varying width where something could NOT be placed other than with starting and/or ending points on the grid. Like if a layer is moved or a selection it snaps in units of 10 and never lands in between. Also so the grid is not visible and can be started from a set point. My apologies for not being able to create this function myself, but I am not able to program. Also, is there any way to make dialogs so we can copy-paste from them? I at least can't seem to with my wacom. This would be nice for error msgs, author e-mails, etc. Thanks! bex