Zbigniew Chyla <cyba@xxxxxxxx> writes: > As you probably already know there are lots of problems with current i18n > tools. Every genuine inscription can have only one equivalent in particular > language when using gettext. In the case of GIMP this is really serious > problem because of huge .po files (and thus many collisions). > The authors of Freeciv worked out an easy method of the partial solving this > problem. My patch is based on code from Freeciv. > Every string marked for translation can be preceded with a prefix in the > form "!prefix!". Thanks to this prefix, two appearances of the same > string can have different meanings. The prefix can be omited in > translated string, but leaving it will not influence displayed text because > it will be always stripped (it is helpful for translators who don't know > this solution). You should just use Q_() macro instead of _() in your code > to use this feature. Probably a good idea, but I doubt we can count this as a bugfix. We should consider integrating a fix like this after the 1.2 release. But actually I would prefer a real solution instead of something hacked around gettext. Salut, Sven