Dear All I've been trying to get Gimp to load a Jpeg file which will load with any other application under SuSE 6.4. I started with Gimp 1.1.18 which came with SuSE 6.4 in the box. When I tried to open the Jpeg file Gimp froze and I couldn't close the application at all. So, I downloaded Gimp 1.0.4 and 1.1.18 in tar.gz and bzip2 format. I then deleted the Gimp application with YaST. After compiling 1.0.4 I got the same result. So, I tried compiling 1.1.18. That did the same I have upgraded Perl to 5.6.01 and everything else on the hard disk works fine. After a few tries at various things I'm looking at a message which says that I need to install a Perl PDL module. Tried that and it refuses to compile. Anyone know what I'm suffering from here ? Other than myself of course :) Thanks -- Richard Sheffield UK