pcg@xxxxxxxx (2000-09-11 at 1538.29 +0200): > > wacky things you legally _can_ write to a TGA file, I am offering the > > opinion that we should generally shield users from the dozens of valid > > yet unimportant TGA options, and set them for our convenience, as we > > do with TIFF. > This is windows thinking a lot. Not implementing something because it is > costing a lot of time would be understandable, but not offering features > because the user might be too dumb is never a good idea (IMHO). Specially for those of use that like Unix tools cos they allow more things than other tools. If the user is Window style he knows what to do: click "OK". But I preffer choice, cos sometimes it saves your day in a few seconds. I want to open / save everything, and leave headaches for other OSs. IMHO this should not implemented now, Gimp is frozen and this can or can not be a bug (varies with personal opinion, and even if you say it is a bug, a new release would be cool anyway). But I would like to see the options in future versions. GSR