I'm new to this group and have used The Gimp only a little over the last few months. I've spent the last couple of weeks reading what I could of how to go about interfacing to The Gimp from a language other than scheme or perl, and I'm rather confused :-( In the 1.1.25 source distro, the notes associated with pdbgen seem to suggest that an interface to libgimp is what I am looking for, but I obviously don't understand the architecture of this interface. I'm also confused by how a plug-in is controlled and what the difference is between a plug-in and a module. Perhaps its easier if I explain how I want to use the Gimp, and someone can tell me if I'm way off track or not. I want to be able to write an extension to Rexx, which allows me to access all of the Gimp functionality, presumably with PDB, from within a Rexx program, and have the Rexx program control the logic. Something like: (excuse the errors in logic; I'm not that familiar with Gimp) img = GimpCreateImage(...) Do 5 /* create 5 layers */ Call GimpAddLayer(img,...) End ....etc I assumed that simply wrapping the calls in libgimp, into Rexx-callable functions would be all that is required, but when I linked the interface I found I needed to define my own PLUG_IN_INFO structure. Now this structure implies that using libgimp enables me to write a plug-in and presumably register that plugin, but that I then have to run this new plug-in from the Gimp, and it is the Gimp that controls the execution of the plug-in, not the other way around. This is where I'm confused :-( Any explanation to clarify the situation would be appreciated. Cheers, Mark --------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Mark Hessling, M.Hessling@xxxxxxxxxx http://www.lightlink.com/hessling/ * Author of THE; a Free XEDIT/KEDIT editor, Rexx/SQL, Rexx/Curses, Rexx/Wrapper * Maintainer of PDCurses: Public Domain Curses and, Regina Rexx interpreter * Use Rexx? join the Rexx Language Association: http://www.rexxla.org