Good Day,
While I've messed around with the gimp for a few years, now that I have a digital camera, I'm getting started with gimp programming. FYI, I'm a seasoned programmer, so I won't post any general programming questions...
First off I think the gimp's architecture is totally cool, as it is more an image manipulation framework than an application. I'm also in the camp of those who actually think scheme is a cool extension language, and would rather see the few problems ironed out there rather than moving to something like perl, but that's IMHO. I know a lot of people aren't down with functional programming languages.
Ok now my questions.
I am correct in saying that memory management of gimp resources is an issue for script programmers? For instance if I load an image, I assume I must do one of the following to prevent a memory leak:
1) display it so the user can manage it.
2) destroy it with gimp-image-delete
3) provide a UI to the user which allows them to manage undisplayed resources.
More generally is it possible for script-fu scripts to introduce memory leaks even tough scheme in itself is a garbage collected language?
Secondly, I'm confused by the function gimp-file-save. Specifically why do I need to pass an image and a drawable? If I load an image, do some image level manipulations on it, and then want to save it with gimp-image-save, do I need to create a layer?
========================================================== christopher baus Come down off the cross, waiting for snow we could use the wood. in Tahoe, NV -- Tom Waits.