Hi, A you may know if you have been following this list, there has recently been much fervoured development of GIMP's help system. The main source of discussion has been whether to keep plain HTML or move to DocBook. After much deliberation, and extensive discussions on IRC, we have decided to move to SGML DocBook 4.0. We have drawn up a concept of how the new help system will be layed out and work, and made a few sample files to show that it works. The basic system will be, for the first time, a proper user manual which explains such things as the concept behind layers, channels, etc. in additonal to the current context help. We hope to get the first new files into CVS over the next few days, although the old help system will still remain for now. The remaining issue is the license which the documentation will come under. The main options are the FDL (Free Documentation License) or OPL (Open Publication License) - see http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/license-list.html#TOCDocumentationLicens es. If you have any further comments about the help system, please submit them to this list so we can make any necessary changes. Thanks, halcyon