Hello! I'm using gimp 1.1.24. I'd like to write a RPM spec file for a plugin. In RPM it is very much desirable to have the install not go to the "real" directory, but to prefix the install dir with some other dir. Can I somehow use gimptool to do this? I thought about something like "gimptool --prefix ~/tmp/prefix-dir --install-admin-bin pluginfile", and then gimptool should install "pluginfile" to "``~/tmp/prefix-dir''/usr/lib/gimp/1.1/plug-ins/", (without all those ",' & `) but this obviously does not work. So, how can I find out where the plug-ins directory of gimp is? Alexander Skwar -- Homepage: http://www.digitalprojects.com Sichere Mail? Mail an askwar-pgp@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx fuer GnuPG Keys ICQ: 7328191