Fethi BELGHAOUTI wrote: > hi to all, > how can i save a GIF animation ? > the file_gif_save(...) don't generat an animate photo, > but just one fixe phto like JPG. > thak you! > Fethi, symply. > > ___________________________________________________________ > Do You Yahoo!? > Achetez, vendez! À votre prix! Sur http://encheres.yahoo.fr The GIF has to be prepared as an animation. In GIMP, each frame is represented by a layer, converted to index, and then saved as a GIF; the GIF file plug-in, on seeing a lot of indexed layers, will automatically ask if you want to save the whole assembly as an animation. Jimmac (aka Jakub Steiner) has put together a very nice animation tutorial. See http://jimmac.musichall.cz/tutor.php3 I think, in particular, you would find all you need in his simple animation tutorial, but using the GAP plugin is an interesting next step. Be good, be well Garry