On Thu, May 04, 2000 at 06:29:19PM +0200, Raphael Quinet wanted to say the following: > If Edit->Stroke does not give good results with a 1-pixel brush, you > can try the following: first, fill your selection with the foreground > color, then make a selection that is 1 pixel smaller than the previous > one and use Edit->Clear. That will leave a thin 1-pixel line. If Edit->Stroke does not give good results with a 1-pixel brush, you can try the following: first, fill your selection with the foreground color, then use Select -> Shrink (1 pixel) and use Edit->Clear. That will leave a thin 1-pixel line. Note that this works best if you are working on a separate layer. (or something more clever for the last sentence to point out that edit->clear is destructive) Tuomas -- .---( t i g e r t @ g i m p . o r g )---. | some stuff at http://tigert.gimp.org/ | `---------------------------------------'