Hi, let me introduce myself. My staff artist and I are in the early stages of a book on web design with free software, including the GIMP. Anyway, we started working with GIMP 1.1 because the book is going to have to be about GIMP 1.2. Olivia was angry that the "opacity" slider was missing from the Bucket Fill dialog box -- she likes it because, coming from a watercolor background, she likes to create a canvas of colors on a canvas and use bucket fill to adjust spots of color until they look just like what she wants. Anyway, I looked at the GIMP 1.1 and GIMP 1.0 source and it looks, superficially, that the code for doing bucket fills with variable opacity still exists (at least there is still an opacity option for bucket fills in the procedural database.) Anyhow, I think I can make Olivia happy by just adding a slider to the bucket fill dialog. So, am I right about this, or am I missing something? If I send in a patch to add the slider to the dialog box, will you merge it into the tree? Please direct a copy of your reply to me because I'm not a regular subscriber to the gimp-developer list.