> Hi, I'm new to gimp and I just compiled and installed the unstable version of > gimp (1.1.17). I noticed some graphics problems with the co-ordinate listings > in the bottom left hand corner of the drawing window. Who or where do I send > email to report this bug. I've noticed that this bug also exists on pervious > versions of the developmental Gimp, i.e. 1.1.16, 1.1.15, 1.1.14. Anyways if > I am sending this message to the wrong mailing list let me know. Thanks > in advance. This is not a bug in gimp but in the gtk theme you are using. Therefore it is not our problem. Otherwise a good place to report bugs is by using Xach's bugreport formular at: http://www.xach.com/gimp/news/bugreport.html. And please always check if your bug is already known or has been solved at: http://bugs.gnome.org/db/pa/lgimp.html Salut, Sven