cc: rlk@xxxxxxxxxxxx, gimp-developer@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx From: Sven Neumann <neumanns@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> Date: Sat, 12 Feb 2000 13:13:34 +0100 > Will we unmark printer names N_() tagging in print.c? I'm not sure. I have done it once, but didn't check it in after I realized that lots of translators had already provided localisation for those strings. I don't know if an "EPSON Stylus Color" is called like this all over the world, so there may be a need for localisation. A lot of printers (as is the case with many consumer electronic devices) do have different model numbers elsewhere. Unfortunately, though, the model numbers might cross linguistic boundaries. It's typical for North American models (US and Canada; I don't know if Mexico is considered North America by manufacturers) to have one name and Europe to be something else (thus, English and French, at least, will have two different model names). There definitely is a need for localization, but the appropriate localization may not match what we have available. Just to make matters worse, sometimes there's no absolute one to one correspondence between models; there may be minor local firmware differences, for local preferences or to work around patents in one country (photographers: note the Canon EOS 5 vs. A2E, which has a few minor differences and one not so minor feature missing on the A2E). -- Robert Krawitz <rlk@xxxxxxxxxxxx> Tall Clubs International -- or 1-888-IM-TALL-2 Member of the League for Programming Freedom -- mail lpf@xxxxxxxxxxxx Project lead for The Gimp Print -- "Linux doesn't dictate how I work, I dictate how Linux works." --Eric Crampton