Basically what happens is this. I have an image I've captured somewhere else (ie: screenshot in windows) and try to put text on top of it. The text goes in fine but is 100x the size it should be. I have had to set the font size to arial 8pt just to get something that is *close* to what 20pt should be. Then (as I found today) by just copying and pasting the image into a new canvass the problems go away. I don't know if this is the gimp (1.1.16 compiled today, but this has been doing this on and off in the previous couple of versions), xfstt (1.1), the font (standard arial true type), or what... It's hard to explain. Head to for screenshots and hopefully a more coherant explanation :) The original image is up there (bottom of the page), so hopefully someone else will find the same problem. Regards, arcterex -- Alan -=|=- <alan@xxxxxxxxx> -=|=- Lack of capability is usually disguised by lack of interest.