Hello. I just installed current Debian GNU/Linux distribution with GIMP 1.0.2. Here is the problem: I use one image for my own color palette and I draw to another image. It takes as much as 4 mouse button clicks to pick a new color and draw with it. Drawing is practically impossible with this style. Here is my suggestion for the solution: user should be able to set the active tool for an image. The palette image would have a color picker and the other image would have a brush. When mouse pointer moves to an image, the tool is changed to the active tool of the corresponding image. -*- I'm not able to write this myself because my interests lie elsewhere than in GIMP source code. But as I see it, this would not involve much work. Maybe a new menu item for setting the current tool as an active tool for the image, and some code to change focus code. And, color picker should not pop up the dialog everytime. I'm here for further discussion. Sincerely, Juhana