First off, many thank you's to Olof for gathering this task list into one place! >Simon Budig Noted: >> Olof S. Kylander (olof@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) wrote: >> [Lots of good ideas snipped] >> <image>/image/-mode-----| >> | RGB >> | Grayscale >> | Indexed >> >> Add a separator here, since Compose and Decompose are no Modes... >> Do we have a better name for the submenu to reflect this? >> >> | Compose >> | Decompose I feel that these items are only tangentially related to "mode," in that decomposing or recomposing an image can generate images that differ in mode from the parent. It would be nice if they had their own submenu. But what to call it? I am not aware of a good (English) verb that encompasses and generalize the two particulars of (1) making a composite and (2) reducing to parts. The idea may be better said in another tongue. Am I alone in voting for the change: [Old] <image>/Filter/Render... [New] <image>/Renderers... ? Plug-ins that carry a collection of parameters to a new rendering that is, in fact, disjoint from a parent image does not play in my mind as any kind of "filter" at all. (Taking an input, applying a transform, producing an output...). Just my US 0.02 ... Garry Osgood