The GIMP's modules for OS/2 need some extra handling. It's copied into the 3-4 modules C files and it's also not updated. I want to clean up this code. I suggest to create a new file called modregister.c and put all the "register" things there. Modules have to link the new file. The will be no new features only a cleaner design. OK ? Here is the original code (ugly and copied 3 times) : #ifdef __EMX__ struct main_funcs_struc { gchar *name; void (*func)(); }; struct main_funcs_struc *gimp_main_funcs = NULL; static gpointer get_main_func(gchar *name) { struct main_funcs_struc *x; if (gimp_main_funcs == NULL) return NULL; for (x = gimp_main_funcs; x->name; x++) { if (!strcmp(x->name, name)) return (gpointer) x->func; } } typedef GimpColorSelectorID (*color_reg_func)(const char *, GimpColorSelectorMethods *); typedef gboolean (*color_unreg_func) (GimpColorSelectorID, void (*)(void *), void *); #endif /* globaly exported init function */ G_MODULE_EXPORT GimpModuleStatus module_init (GimpModuleInfo **inforet) { GimpColorSelectorID id; #ifndef __EMX__ id = gimp_color_selector_register ("GTK", "gtk.html", &methods); if (id) #else color_reg_func reg_func; reg_func = (color_reg_func) get_main_func("gimp_color_selector_register"); if (reg_func && (id = (*reg_func) ("GTK", &methods))) #endif { info.shutdown_data = id; *inforet = &info; return GIMP_MODULE_OK; } else { return GIMP_MODULE_UNLOAD; } } *********************************************************** * Asbjørn Pettersen Phone work: +47 77 66 08 91 * * Kongsberg Spacetec a.s Phone home: +47 77674022 * * Telefax: +47 77 65 58 59 * * Prestvannveien 38 www: * * N-9005 Tromsoe, Norway email:ape@xxxxxxxxxxx * ***********************************************************