Hi all, all the stuff below sounds quite good (the current modifier usage is really confusing, even for experienced users). When redefining it (making it consistent), we shouldn't forget to care for dnd. Hacking dnd of selection masks / selections between images or images and the named buffer dialog shouldn't be too hard. I've just redefined the middle mouse button to the standard gimp dnd button (not commited yet) Left mousebutton dnd still works as now, but with the middle it's possible to drag from the indicator area and from the brush/pattern/gradient selections (ie all areas where button 1 pops up a preview and/or selects stuff) I'm thinking of the following operations: <shift>+mouse2 --> copy & paste the selection mask or copy & paste the selection itself (if it's floated) <ctrl>+mouse2 --> cut & paste the selection ifself (works only if it's floated) (You see I'm still speaking in terms of "floating" because I didn't quite get what Tigert means with "nuke" ;-) Comments, flames??? bye, --Mitch Sven Neumann wrote: > > Hi, > > > There are some major inconsistency or more precisely hard to use functions > > in the eraser, the sharpen/blur and dodge/burn tools. > > > > Pressing Ctrl will change the tool behavior from eraser --> anti-eraser, > > blur --> sharpen and dodge --> burn. > > > > Pressing Ctrl will in combination with Shift limit the movements/stokes > > to horizontal movements. > > > > Okay so if you want to have only horizontal movements then you also get the > > opposite effect i.e sharpen instead of blur. This is _not_ good!!! > > Okay so if you want the opposite effect and want to e.g have only > > vertical movements? This will not work with short cuts. > > > > Anyway this will be a mess in short cuts and work around solutions. > > > > I think it's better to remove the "line" drawing function you will > > probably not use it as much as you use the short cut to change tool > > effect. > > > > Yes, we have to overwork the modifier keys! I'd propose to use only a > single modifier for constraining the movement into a special direction. > The gradient/blend tool already offers this. Strg/Ctrl are bound to > horizontal/vertical movements as usual. Shift shows what I am thinking > of here: It limits you to 15 degrees steps. IMHO this works quite well > and would free up one modifier. It should be possible to find one key > that can then be used explicitely for constraints and would never have > a different meaning. > > So my proposal is: > <Shift> is used for line mode in all paint tools > <Ctrl> is the default tool toggle key > <Alt> limits your moevent to 15 degree directions > > We would have to drop <Alt> for "Allow Enlarging" in the Crop&Resize tool, > but I think we could live without that. > > Salut, Sven