not finding automake

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Where is getting it's information about where automake is?

When I am running "./  …" I get an error message from saying that I must have automake 1.10 or newer installed to compile gimp-help-2. It looks like does not recognize the automake file installed. I think I have to manually insert a path to the autogen file, but where and how?
Automake-1.9.6 installed itself in usr/share. I have not tried with an 
older version of automake.
I am running this using Cygwin in Windows 10, but perhaps the solution 
is the same as in Linux.
I have tried to update automake from Cygwin and also downloaded the file 
automake-1.9.6.tar.gz and install it  with "tar -xvzf". Neither of them 
helped me out.
All works fine on Windows 7 with automake -1.14.

Hoping for help as I am not able to translate GIMP using my main computer.

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