Hello Stephen,
Disclaimer: I have no particular ability myself to integrate these..
Having read these, I see that you have much that is useful to say.
In other words, I found automated-jpg-to-xcf.odt to be informative.
That said, are you saying that you would like to create content that
is published here:
It looks like you chose the correct lists (doc, web, and developer)
to obtain appropriate feed back.
I recommend (and other feedback may negate what I say) that you
identify what you would like to have as topics in the tutorial; for
"How to write a script that is available when an image is not open"
I was not aware that this was an issue until I read your document.
I expect that this tutorial would be "Change all JPG files in a
directory to XCF".
On 06/20/2013 02:29 PM, Stephen Kiel
Gimp Doc Guys,
One of the listed methods to contribute to the Gimp
project, listed on the website, is to write a
tutorial. I tried sending in a tutorial for basic
scripting (it was probably too long) about a year
and a half ago. I did not hear back, but since the
scripting tutorial did make some improvements I hope
that it did have some positive contribution.
I did have another area where I thought that a few
tutorials might be of interest and helpful to others,
and that is in the area of Automation. This is an
area that is nearer to my interests anyway (closer to
my career interests). I think Gimp is unique in its
capability as a platform for automating the image
editing process. I am talking about Automating the
process of custom edits not just using an "I feel
lucky" button on a photo manager.
I think there is room in the area of automation for a
couple of tutorials, I wrote up an example for one
(importing a directory of images / jpg -> xcf). I
think other tutorials could cover reading & writing
parasites, parasites as flow control variables, how to
build & execute a recipe / process / flow. I
touched on these possibilities in the included file
Anyway, here is my dilemma. I would be happy to write a
draft for tutorials on some or all of these topics, or
better yet, co-author them with a member(s) of the
gimp-doc team. I have no where to publish a tutorial, and
it seems pointless to write something that no one will
Take a look at the attached documents and scripts. Let me
know if this idea is something that sounds interesting. The
*.odt format files are open office writer format.
Stephen Kiel
Stephen Kiel
26602 Strafford
Mission Viejo, CA 92692
Mobile/SMS (949) 702-1993
Home (949) 367-2915
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Andrew Pitonyak
My Macro Document: http://www.pitonyak.org/AndrewMacro.odt
Info: http://www.pitonyak.org/oo.php
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