Pierre is on holidays : I answer for him. No problem. You can commit.If you only add text in your language, without modifying the xml structure, conflicts will be mild.We will contact you again when Pierre is back. Greetings Julien Choi, Ji-Hui a écrit :> At first, I apologize to everyone, but I couldn't find Pierre's email address.>>> To Pierre.> according to GimpDocsWip, you're reviewing "Using chapter", aren't you?> but I'm doing too, since 2006.11.25> So I ask you, "would I ask to commit my patch? Isn't it matter for your work?">> I know, cvs or svn will merge your and my works. However I want to be clear.> Thanks.>> _______________________________________________Gimp-docs mailing listGimp-docs@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx://lists.XCF.Berkeley.EDU/mailman/listinfo/gimp-docs