I've got a question. Here's an example:
The context help for file -> dialogs -> images has two links "Dialogs
and Docking" for a general
description and "Docking" for a description of "Grid/List modes,
Previews size"
which both refer to the same location (in the xml-file it's the id
In the actual gimp-help-2-0.9 this is ch02s03s04.html. (3.4. Dialogs and
Docking) which
contains all subsections. So if the user (in this case I) wants help for
"Docking" he
will find the expected just by scrolling thru the page.
After having compiled the latest xml to html the links refer to
ch02s06.html (6. Dialogs and Docking)
which only contains 6.1. Docking Bars. Maybe the user (in this case I)
is not too irritated
and tabs forward to the desired explanation in section 6.4.
My question is: Is it possible and would you agree that it's desirable
to give the subsections an id
to refer directly to them?
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