Unfortunately for hard-coded "sRGB as PCS", the ICC profile
specifications are a moving target. Right now the ICC profile illuminant
is always D50. But in the next planned release of new specifications,
things will change:
//begin quote from http://color.org/DevCon/devcon14.xalter
While this fixed PCS is capable of delivering unambiguous color
transforms, it cannot support the increasing demand for spectrally-based
reproduction. iccMAX is a radically different approach which builds on
ICC v4 but enables a far more flexible means of connecting devices,
data, materials, observers and illuminants.
//end quote
I would ask every babl/GEGL/GIMP developer who cares about GIMP as a
high end ICC profile color-managed image editor to read the rest of the
page that I just linked to, and maybe think long and hard about whether
you really want to limit yourself to "babl color management" based on
hard-coded D50-adapted "sRGB as PCS".
D65 unadapted sRGB is based on CRT technology that is no longer in
widespread use. Rec.2020 is the up and coming new display device standard.
D50-adapted ICC profiles are based on profile specifications that
revolve around increasing outdated print-based technologies.
Print-making technologies have changed, and today the output device is
just as (or more) likely to be a display screen.
The ICC is moving forward (and let's hope they also fix a few issues
that V4 introduced).
Tying GIMP to "sRGB as PCS" is a dead-end move.
Kind regards,
Elle Stone
Color management and free/libre photography
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