I have some questions regarding the cache strategy in gegl.
I have tested using both 0.0.20 and 0.0.22 and I find them different in the way nodes are cached.
GEGL 0.0.20:
Creating the graph below:
Rendering node 4 and after that rendering node 2. When rendering node 2 the output is taken from the cache because it is already calculated when rendering node 4.
This is also that I had expected. Now linking node 2 to node 5 and creating a new branch:
| |
3 5
Rendering node 4 again and the graph is rendered from node 2 to node 4. This should not be necessary because the output of node 2 is not changed when the output pad of node 2 is connected to another node.
What is the reason for this?
GEGL 0.0.22
In gegl 0.0.22 I are not able to use any cached node output other than the last rendered node output.
E.g. creating the first graph above, rendering node 4 and after that rendering node 4 again getting the result from cache. But if rendering node 2 (after rendering node 4) the graph is rendered from node 1 to node 2.
Are there any significant changes of cache handling done between 0.0.20 and 0.0.22 or are there a setting that must be turned on to get 'per node caches' functionality?
Another question: What is the difference between GEGL_BLIT_CACHE and GEGL_BLIT_DEFAULT flags of the 'blit' function?
Patrik Östman
Gegl-developer mailing list