Re: Guidance on Decompiling GCC 11.4.0 Optimized Code

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LIU Hao via Gcc-help <gcc-help@xxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

> 在 2025-3-11 15:01, manoj alladawar 写道:
>> Hello LIU Hao,
>> Thank you for your prompt response.
>> While I understand that objdump can generate assembly code, I am
>> specifically looking to generate high- level C code from a binary
>> that was compiled using GCC with the -O2 optimization flag.
>> I would greatly appreciate your guidance on whether there are any
>> decompilers specifically designed for decompiling GCC-optimized
>> binaries or any reliable decompiler that would be suitable for this
>> reverse engineering task.
> When analyzing compiled binaries, we generally read assembly.
> But this doesn't mean decompilers don't exist. IDA Pro is a
> reverse-engineering tool which provides a decompiler plugin. It's well
> known on Windows, and is also available on Linux and macOS.
> Please be advised, I have not used it on Linux. It is not free
> software and is not free of charge.

Ghidra ( also has decompilation (which, like
most decompilers, does a good job sometimes and not at other times).  It
is available under the Apache 2.0 license, which is GPL3 compatible.

Michael Welsh Duggan

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