So a bit of a background. I have the bonfire Risc-V 32 core running on a T-35 FPGA board. The metal part of this is working great. The processor runs. I've got it to turn around the segment display on the board. I've also implemented my own _sbrk and got that to work I think consistently with malloc. Now in my Risc-v 32 toolchain I have the newlib and I have brought that in and with my own wrapped _sbrk I am able to use the system defined malloc. But I am not entirely happy with this because I don't want to be wrapping every function I encounter. So for example today I found myself wrapping srand and rand. So I am pretty sure the reason my nano_newlib isn't working is something to do with either not having the correct variable names in my firmware.ld or something to do with disabling the re-entrant behaviour of newlib. I've included in this email my firmware.ld,platform.h,c code example. What happens is I call the _sbrk(0) and ( in the simulator I am also running this in ) I never see a bad opcode generated. It just seems like the processor goes away and never comes back. Does anybody have any suggestions as to what might cause this sort of problem ? I'd like to use the sbrk and other funcitons within the newlib itself if possible without rolling my own. ------------- firmware.ld MEMORY { RAM (rwx) : ORIGIN = 0x0C000000, LENGTH = 512K } ENTRY(_start) SECTIONS { _rombase = 0x0C000000; . = 0x0; .text : { *(.init) *(.text.*) } > RAM .data ALIGN(4) : { *(.rodata.*) *(.rodata) *(.eh_frame) *(.sdata) *(.data) *(.sbss) *(.sbss.*) *(*) *(.bss) *(.bss.*) *(.gnu.linkonce.b.*) *(COMMON) end = .; _end = .; __end = .; } > RAM _heap_end = _end; _heap_prev_end = _end; } PROVIDE(__heap_end = _end); PROVIDE(__prev_heap_end = _end); PROVIDE(__heap_start = _end+128K); PROVIDE(__stack_top = ORIGIN(RAM) + LENGTH(RAM)); PROVIDE(__stack_start = ORIGIN(RAM) + LENGTH(RAM)); PROVIDE(__heap_size = 128K ); PROVIDE(__stack_size = 128K ); /* 0x0C000000 +-------------------+ | | | ROM / Flash | 0x0C080000 +-------------------+ | | | .data | |-------------------| | .bss / .sbss | |-------------------| | _end | |-------------------| | Heap | |-------------------| | Stack | 0xXXXXXXXX +-------------------+ */ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------platform.h ---------------------------------------------------------------- #ifndef BASIC_PLATFORM_H #define BASIC_PLATFORM_H // New Defintions for new bonfire-soc-io core #define IO_BASE 0x04000000 #define SOC_IO_OFFSET 0x10000 // Offset from one I/O Device to the next (64K range) #define UART0_BASE IO_BASE #define SPIFLASH_BASE (IO_BASE+SOC_IO_OFFSET) #define GPIO_BASE (IO_BASE+3*SOC_IO_OFFSET) #define UART1_BASE (IO_BASE+2*SOC_IO_OFFSET) #define UART_BASE UART0_BASE // Backwards compatiblity #define MTIME_BASE 0x0FFFF0000 #define DRAM_BASE 0x0 #define DRAM_SIZE 0 #define DRAM_TOP (DRAM_BASE+DRAM_SIZE-1) #define SRAM_BASE 0x0C000000 #define SRAM_SIZE 524288 #define SRAM_TOP (SRAM_BASE+SRAM_SIZE-1) //#define SYSCLK 12000000 //#define SYSCLK 33333333 //#define SYSCLK 24997500 //#define SYSCLK 88786000 #define EXT_SYSCLK 89015000 #define SYSCLK 24997500 //#define EXT_SYSCLK 92370000 /* For reasons not clear to me when any change is made to the interface */ /* configuration in Efinity and a new synthesis is done a clock time will */ /* be calculated so you must build your efinity project. Take that new */ /* time value. Update it here. Rebuild your hex file. Then rebuild your */ /* efinity project AGAIN */ #define TIME_UNIT 1e+9; // A billion #ifndef SIMULATOR #define SCALAR 1 // Relative Scalar division for efinity build #define BAUD_SCALAR 1 // Relative Scalar division for efinity build #else #define SCALAR 10000 // Relative Scalar division for simulator. Use for any of your own timing since #define BAUD_SCALAR 20 // simulator runs slower than real hardware #endif #define CLK_PERIOD (TIME_UNIT / EXT_SYSCLK) // in ns... //#define DCACHE_SIZE 0 // (2048*4) // DCache Size in Bytes // Parameters for SPI Flash #define FLASHSIZE (8192*1024) #define MAX_FLASH_IMAGESIZE (2024*1024) // Max 2MB of flash used for boot image #define FLASH_IMAGEBASE (1024*3072) // Boot Image starts at 3MB in Flash #define PLATFORM_BAUDRATE (115200*BAUD_SCALAR) #define NO_RECURSION #define NO_SYSCALL #define NO_FLASH #define NO_XMODEM #define NO_DRAMTEST //#define GPIO_TEST #endif --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- sim_hello.c ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // ============================================== // T35 S100 Module Test Code // Damien Towning - 2022 // ============================================== #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> //#include <newlib.h> //#include <nano_malloc.h> #include <errno.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <string.h> #include "bonfire.h" #include "uart.h" #include "bonfire_gpio.h" #include "mem_rw.h" #include "console.h" extern void* sbrk(incr); // ======================================== // Main function // ======================================== int main() { setBaudRate(PLATFORM_BAUDRATE); caddr_t *ptr = sbrk(0); // code never returns from sbrk if (ptr == (void *)-1) { printk("Failed to allocate memory\r\n"); } else { printk("Allocated memory at : %p\r\n", (void *) &ptr); } return 0; } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --- Makefile -------------------------------------------------------------------- .PHONY: all clean ARCH ?= rv32ia ABI=ilp32 PLATFORM ?= S100_T35 #TARGET_PREFIX ?= riscv32-unknown-linux-gnu TARGET_PREFIX ?= riscv32-unknown-elf TARGET_CC := $(TARGET_PREFIX)-gcc TARGET_LD := $(TARGET_PREFIX)-gcc TARGET_SIZE := $(TARGET_PREFIX)-size TARGET_OBJCOPY := $(TARGET_PREFIX)-objcopy HEXDUMP ?= hexdump DATA2MEM = /opt/Xilinx/14.7/ISE_DS/ISE/bin/lin64/data2mem #PROJROOT = ../../.. #TOPLEVEL = ~/riscv/ise/bonfire/papilio_pro_dram_toplevel.bit PLATFORMDIR=../platform LINKDEF?=$(PLATFORMDIR)/$(PLATFORM)/firmware.ld TARGET_CFLAGS += -march=$(ARCH) -mabi=$(ABI) -Wall -Os -g -fomit-frame-pointer \ -ffreestanding -fno-builtin \ -Wall -Werror=implicit-function-declaration \ -D$(PLATFORM) ifeq ($(SIMULATOR), 1) TARGET_CFLAGS+=-DSIMULATOR endif TARGET_CFLAGS+=-I$(PLATFORMDIR) -I$(PLATFORMDIR)/$(PLATFORM) -I../riscv # If we wish to build with no newlib #TARGET_LDFLAGS += -march=$(ARCH) -mabi=$(ABI) -nostartfiles \ -Wl,-m,elf32lriscv,--wrap=malloc,--wrap=sbrk --specs=nosys.specs -Wl,-T$(LINKDEF) \ -Wl,--gc-sections TARGET_LDFLAGS += -march=$(ARCH) -mabi=$(ABI) -nostartfiles \ -Wl,-m,elf32lriscv,--wrap=_srand,--wrap=_rand --specs=nano.specs -Wl,,-T$(LINKDEF) \ -Wl,--gc-sections all: sim_hello.hex memtest.hex nanotest.hex %.o : %.S $(TARGET_CC) $(TARGET_CFLAGS) -c $< %.o : %.c $(TARGET_CC) $(TARGET_CFLAGS) -c $< %.hex : %.elf $(TARGET_OBJCOPY) -S -O binary $< $(basename $@).bin $(HEXDUMP) -v -e '1/4 "%08x\n"' $(basename $@).bin >$@ $(TARGET_PREFIX)-objdump -S -d $< >$(basename $@).lst #$(TARGET_PREFIX)-objdump -D $< >$(basename $@).S $(TARGET_PREFIX)-objdump -s $< >$(basename $@).dmp $(TARGET_PREFIX)-size $< #sbrk.o: libwrap/sbrk.c # $(TARGET_CC) $(TARGET_CFLAGS) -DSIM -c libwrap/sbrk.c rand.o: libwrap/rand.c $(TARGET_CC) $(TARGET_CFLAGS) -DSIM -c libwrap/rand.c uart.o: uart.c $(TARGET_CC) $(TARGET_CFLAGS) -DSIM -c uart.c #sim_hello.o : sim_hello.c # $(TARGET_CC) $(TARGET_CFLAGS) -DSIM -c sim_hello.c sim_hello.elf: start.o uart.o sim_hello.o snprintf.o console.o rand.o $(TARGET_LD) -o $@ $(TARGET_LDFLAGS) start.o uart.o sim_hello.o snprintf.o console.o rand.o #memtest.elf: start.o uart.o memtest.o snprintf.o console.o mempattern.o sbrk.o # $(TARGET_LD) -o $@ $(TARGET_LDFLAGS) start.o uart.o memtest.o snprintf.o console.o mempattern.o sbrk.o #nanotest.elf: start.o uart.o nanotest.o snprintf.o console.o mempattern.o sbrk.o # $(TARGET_LD) -o $@ $(TARGET_LDFLAGS) start.o uart.o nanotest.o snprintf.o console.o mempattern.o sbrk.o #jump0.elf : jump0.S # $(TARGET_LD) -o $@ -march=RV32IM -nostartfiles -Wl,-T$(BOOTLINK) $< clean: rm -f *.o --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Damien Towning