Hi there, Did you get a chance to look into the email below? Should I go ahead and submit the detail value and figures for your review? Would you please let me know if I should address this email to someone else? Thanks, Bridget From: Bridget Aguilar Sent: Thursday, September 15, 2022 6:21 PM To: 'gcc-help@xxxxxxxxxxx' <gcc-help@xxxxxxxxxxx> Subject: Lead source at NAB Show 2022 Importance: High Are you ready for "National Association of Broadcasters - NAB Show"? Do you require an email list of show attendees? This is ideal for pre-show marketing and brand promotion! EXECUTIVE/CORPORATE ANAGEMENT, CREATIVE PROFESSIONALS, TECHNICAL PROFESSIONALS, SALES/MARKETING/PROGRAMMING PROFESSIONALS, MEDIA & ADVERTISING, TELECOMMUNICATION PROFESSIONALS AND OTHER have pre-registered for the show. If you're interested, I can give you with the count and cost for the list. Thoughts Regards, Bridget Aguilar